Saturday, April 16, 2016

Hello, dear reader, Jennifer again. I was really tired on Saturday, so iI went to bed early and did not have time to post. For that, dear reader, I am sorry and offer my sincerest apologies!.

But, dear reader, I am back again a little early on this what looks like to be a fine Sunday morning April 17, 2016, at 1 am just got to my blog now.

Last night was the first time i spent my night as a  real "woman of the house". for that is at east the first time I felt it. And you know what? I admit it felt great! I ad no problem going to bed. I wrote Big sis who likes to see that I am safely tucked in my bed. After i am safely in bed, then I may read on my bed for awhile before I actually go to sleep depending on how tired I am that night. I also write my best friend forever,  known here as my BFF (Best Friend Forever!) I love  my best friend forever! She loves me back, and she is the best person besides family to enter my life.I also love her dog "N" as known in this blog.  I love her and her dog back with as much love as she and "N"show me!.  Last night I did not read before bed, I was in bed then went straight to sleep.I was like the old cliche says "out like a light."I was in the minute after  I hit my head on the pillow after saying "Goodnight" to my little Marty the hamster and making sure he had fresh water and enough food to last the little fellow my and one of my bets pals along with"N" my BFF's dog. . And I assured  Marty he and I  will take the world by storm! Together but yet one!

Also, I thought all day what am going to do with all this free time I suddenly have?

First of all, if you haven't figured out yet. I am a writer I trying very hard to make a living from it. For the last ten years this November 26, 2016,   I will have written on various internet sites for a full 10 YEARS!
I have not made much of living, don't worry dear reader,  I think I have it covered for some time,
First, let's get sidetracked here and talk about my hamster Marty.
Marty hamster has a cage in my room, and he has a little blue house in this cage.  And this is where he does his sleeping. When I went, to bed, he was sound asleep, but as I write this he just came out looking for his food. He is a mighty precious little hamster. I adore my little fellow with every fiber of my being! I can see him now from where I sit. His tiny hands are clutching a seed as I write eating away! That little fellow loves his seeds, but he does have a problem with the alfalfa pellets scattered in his seeds. And he always leaves those. If I have time, I pick each out of the bowl for him because he will leave them in his little food now that I fill each day for him with all the love in my heart. But you can be sure of this; dear reader that I make sure Marty has enough other food in his bowl the I KNOW  he adores and he NEVER starves!. I am told that he is a little chubby by big sis! And a good friend and neighbor "AM" who is an animal expert and I love her two dogs, too! Tels me to only feed Mart every 24 hours unless he eats all his food before bed. I was giving him fresh food every three hours as I didn't wan them to have food that is not fresh. I am doing that now. My Marty is a seed kind of little love sponge.  But Marty gets to eat whatever dear old Marty wishes to eat; Marty is the light of my life! He is Mommy's (me) little boy!

In the next post that I a going tp wrtrie soon DAY POSITIVELY i CAN ASSURE   you, dear reader, a few minutes I will finally what some of my plans  are that I have been thinking about as I sit at my computer for awhile now and all day yesterday.

I wanted to tell you here but saw Marty and My eyes lit up, and I got sidetracked, You will find sometimes I get distracted, dear reader, but don't worry i eventually get around to what I am saying in that post or e next or eventually one of them I assure you. It is just I have so much to say and love to write, and I love to express myself in writing!
But hopefully you, dear reader, will; stick with me for this great adventure in my life and Marty's life! As I know, you will not be sorry! I know and can assure everybody that is reading this I am having a great time with this blog!
Later, Jennifer and Marty the hamster!

Hello, everyone, I am named Jennifer, and you are about to embark on a journey with me. You won't be sorry you joined me on a daily to almost daily. And sometimes maybe two or more posts a  day on what it is like for me to live alone it daily. Or sometimes more than one blog post a day up to several blog posts a day to follow me on my first time living alone I am living alone due to unforeseen circumstances and will be sharing my daily activities alone, my thought on living alone. The pros and =cons as I figure them out so you can watch me figure them out on this blog. You can look at me post by post as I grow more and more independent.  You will follow any adventures or hopefully none will, and I doubt there will be any misadventures that i may come across!

But I am on my own alone now. I have become the proverbially "Lady of the house"  I am a 44 going on 45 single all my life by choice, and I am happy with that choice even if I live i=aloner. I will be embarking on this journey in my childhood home the home i have lived in all my life. I am now lady of the house in my childhood home that i grew up in and still into this day. You will be embarking, the dear reader on this journey with me in my favorite place in the whole world to this day. I will continue to live here because I love this place this place that I grew up. i Loe it as i never knew any other  I never knew any other home and don't plan on living in another home anytime soon!

The reason I am alone because I have never married, by the choice mind you, dear reader, was entirely made by me, made many, many moons ago. i choice i have never once regretted ever in my life.Nor even once have  I regretted my choice,  I also remain childless by choice, dear reader, mind you by choice and it a choice never that I also have never regretted.

I have a sister who shall be called "Big Sis "in these blog posts as we journey together. She has a husband I will call my favorite Bro-in-law, and they have a son whom I adore with all my heart! He si one of the best children in the world and Iove him dearly. He won my heart for the first time i saw him as i sat down to hold him because i would not hold him in my arms while i was standing, so  I would drop this precious life that won my heart from looking at him the first time,  on the floor. I could not stand to hurt any of these three precious people in my life.
Bro in law is pretty cool too if i do say so myself! I am glad my Big sis picked him a s my bro-in-law! And even more thrilled with these three extra special people in my life.
I will talk about my favorite aunt and Uncle and all my three cousins who are all my favorites and all their two children each that are pretty special, too and am blessed to have them in my life. I love them, and all their husbands and i consider myself blessed to have them a part of my life kids as much and am blessed with my family that i have such a great one. \
\I do have a couple of special animals in my life. have Marty in my life. Marty dear reader is the most a unique hamster that ever lived in this world. He and I are about to embark on this new adventure together. On this life alone but together as we each adore the other. He si what I call my fur baby. My particular hamster that is like a son to me.He, dear reader, is a better "child " to have than any child that isn't already in my family. I could neve have a child as great as those that already exist in my family.
My other particular animal ii my life is my fur niece who shall g by her initial which is "B" and i adore her she is one of my favorite dogs in the world. Willing to kiss you anytime you go n=by her and lets me give her a big hug any time i see her. I don;t have the privilege to have a dog.

I have neglected to tell you something that means a lot in my life my life as a vegetarian. I chose this lifestyle quite a while ago and had never once regretted it. I started this lifestyle because i am literally against harming a hair on any animal;'s head. Much less av=cytally slaughtering an animal after a lot of slaughterhouse  workers abusd the animal sometimes all during their life as and sometimes they make the animals last days on earth miserable. I will become a vegan sand going further than vegetarian on this adventure as i will be vegan soon and will never touch an animal product to my life again and sleep peacegf=ully each night knowing i have not committed an unpardonable sin in my of participating in the kill of animals ever again, and I  will then finally rest entirely in peace for the first time in entire peace as I put my head on my pillow at night.

I will sometimes post a blog post in the evening an hour or two before I go to bed. Just to tell you the dear reader whom i treasure you who are reading this will get to see my thoughts summed up on some nights. Sometimes i will post several or more blog posts a da. But will make an effort for the evening post as leats daily.

The night posts will be more reflective i nature.